To understand and play the classical notations, you should have a basic knowledge of the terminologies and concepts used in the Indian classical music system.
Indian classical music system is a vast subject and we have tried to cover the basics around svara and saptak in this article. After reading this, you would have a basic idea of classical notation which would help you in playing the songs posted here at SargamHub.
Basic terminologies of Indian Classical Music System
The sweet sounds generated via regular and stable frequencies are known as Naad. In other words, the sounds that come in use of music are called Naad.
A few characteristics of Naad –
- We can produce these naads lightly (chhota naad) as well as heavily (bada naad). This basically refers to the volume with which a naad is played or sung. For instance – if we pump less air into the harmonium, the volume with which the sound is produced is lower.
This can also be understood in terms of wavelength. The wavelength of sound waves generated by chhota naad is smaller as compared to that of bada naad. - We can sense whether a particular naad should be placed higher or lower compared to others. For instance – if I play two naads, you can tell which one should be placed higher by judging their frequencies.
– When compared with Sa, Re is regarded as Ooncha Svara.
– When compared with Ga, Re is regarded as Neecha Svara. - Different kinds of naads have their own character. They have a quality about them that distinguishes them from others. For instance, we can easily tell a Harmonium sound from a Sitar sound.
In a saptak, there may exist infinite naads that are higher or lower than each other. However, these naads would be so close to each other that it would be impossible to tell them apart. For this reason, Indian classical music system acknowledges 22 naads in a saptak that are uniquely identifiable and can be sung. The collection for these 22 naads is known as shruti.
Svara (also spelled Swara) refers to a musical note or a sound that is fundamental to a melody. It is a basic building block of Indian classical music.
Each Svara has a unique frequency, and the combination of different Svaras creates a melody. Svaras are the basic unit of the Saptak (seven-note scale) and are used to create the melodic structure of a raag.
Saptak refers to the system of seven notes that make up a musical scale. Saptak literally means “group of seven” in Sanskrit. The seven notes of the Saptak are named Sa, Re, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, and Ni.
Saptak is divided into three parts or registers, called the Mandra Saptak (lower octave), Madhya Saptak (middle octave), and Taar Saptak (upper octave). Each register has a unique tonal quality and emotional character.
Classical representation of Svaras on Harmonium / Piano
The following representation is in accordance with Scale C#.
The orange-colored notes represent Madya Saptak. The same pattern is followed for the lower octave (Mandra Saptak) and the higher octave (Taar Saptak).

More about Svaras and Saptaks
See the Sanskrit and English representations of Svaras along with their meanings. You can also check the frequencies associated with each svara. The frequencies for all svaras changes with the saptak. For instance, Mandra Saptak Sa has a frequency of 120 Hz and Madhya Saptak Sa is 240 Hz i.e. double as compared to Mandra Saptak Sa. Similarly, the frequency of Taar Saptak Sa is double as compared to Madhya Saptak Sa which comes out to be 480Hz. The same is followed for all other svaras.
Svara | Meaning | Frequency |
सा़ (‘S) | Mandra Saptak Sa | 120 Hz |
रे़॒ (‘r) | Mandra Saptak Komal Re | 128 Hz |
रे़ (‘R) | Mandra Saptak Shuddha Re | 135 Hz |
ग़॒ (‘g) | Mandra Saptak Komal Ga | 144 Hz |
ग़ (‘G) | Mandra Saptak Shuddha Ga | 150 Hz |
म़ (‘m) | Mandra Saptak Shuddha Ma | 160 Hz |
म़॑ (‘M) | Mandra Saptak Teevra Ma | 168.75 Hz |
प़ (‘P) | Mandra Saptak Pa | 180 Hz |
ध़॒ (‘d) | Mandra Saptak Komal Dha | 192 Hz |
ध़ (‘D) | Mandra Saptak Shuddha Dha | 200 Hz |
ऩि॒ (‘n) | Mandra Saptak Komal Ni | 216 Hz |
ऩि (‘N) | Mandra Saptak Shuddha Ni | 225 Hz |
सा (S) | Madhya Saptak Sa | 240 Hz |
रे॒ (r) | Madhya Saptak Komal Re | 256 Hz |
रे (R) | Madhya Saptak Shuddha Re | 270 Hz |
ग॒ (g) | Madhya Saptak Komal Ga | 288 Hz |
ग (G) | Madhya Saptak Shuddha Ga | 300 Hz |
म (m) | Madhya Saptak Shuddha Ma | 320 Hz |
म॑ (M) | Madhya Saptak Teevra Ma | 337.5 Hz |
प (P) | Madhya Saptak Pa | 360 Hz |
ध॒ (d) | Madhya Saptak Komal Dha | 384 Hz |
ध (D) | Madhya Saptak Shuddha Dha | 400 Hz |
नि॒ (n) | Madhya Saptak Komal Ni | 432 Hz |
नि (N) | Madhya Saptak Shuddha Ni | 450 Hz |
सां (S’) | Taar Saptak Sa | 480 Hz |
रें॒ (r’) | Taar Saptak Komal Re | 512 Hz |
रें (R’) | Taar Saptak Shuddha Re | 540 Hz |
गं॒ (g’) | Taar Saptak Komal Ga | 576 Hz |
गं (G’) | Taar Saptak Shuddha Ga | 600 Hz |
मं (m’) | Taar Saptak Shuddha Ma | 640 Hz |
मं॑ (M’) | Taar Saptak Teevra Ma | 675 Hz |
पं (P’) | Taar Saptak Pa | 720 Hz |
धं॒ (d’) | Taar Saptak Komal Dha | 768 Hz |
धं (D’) | Taar Saptak Shuddha Dha | 800 Hz |
निं॒ (n’) | Taar Saptak Komal Ni | 864 Hz |
निं (N’) | Taar Saptak Shuddha Ni | 900 Hz |
Explore SargamHub for Sargam Notations
Now that you have a basic understanding of the different terminologies and representations used in the Indian Classical Music System… Go through our recently posted songs (or search for one) to see some examples of Sargam Notations…
Suggestions (Available for free)
- Hare Krishna Maha Mantra – Easy Tutorial and Notation
- Christmas Carol – “Joy to the world!”
- Guru Mantra – 3 methods for playing Guru Purnima special mantra on harmonium
- Sarv Mangal Mangalaye Harmonium Notes – Powerful Devi Mantra Notation
- Gratitude Poem – Notation for Thank you Prayer
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